Thursday, March 4, 2010

5 things

This is 5 mundane and not so mundane events in my day. Self indulgent - yes; meaningless - no.

1) Woken up at 3.30am by brother returning home. My brother is staying in our house and arrived home from the pub early this morning in top form. After paying for the cab and proceeding to consume his McDonalds on the front lawn (possibly laughing to himself), he came around the side of the house to my window and started whispering my name. The head of my bed is against this window and because its late in the summer and the nights are cool enough to have the window open, I tend to do so. When a drunk relative comes up the driveway and whispers your name almost directly into your ear at 3.30am whilst you're supposedly safe in bed... the results are dramatic and loud.

2) Planned all the assessments I have for uni next week in my new day-planner. There is such a feeling of satisfaction and productivity in this that I may not even end up doing the required school work in the mistaken belief that "surely I've done enough!".

3) Received a belated birthday card that said "Every man over forty is a scoundrel" attributed to George Bernard Shaw, and with a picture beneath showing 2 early 20th century types (top and bowler hats, lustrous beards, and coats) indulging in fisticuffs. I am neither older than 40, or bearded so it didn't really work, but cards that don't work are a specialty of mine. I once gave my father a card that said 'To a Wonderful Girlfriend - its Over." which retrospectively makes more sense than not. Sort of.

4) Cheeseburger eating competition at McDonalds with Pedro. Each burger has 25% of your RDI of sodium, and 14% of your energy. We're so stupidly competitive to the point that we would consume 150% of our recommended salt intake in one sitting.

5) Smiled at the Unibooks girl. I found myself purchasing a copy of Rolling Stone (which I rarely buy) in order to talk to her. She laughed at my joke and I wished her happy a weekend. She returned the sentiment and I looked at her for perhaps a second too long, and then walked out.

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