Thursday, May 13, 2010

Menage et blah


So, so, so.

I was nervous and excitable. I had run from the police and purchased a lambs wool jumper. I had drunk coffee and been sarcastic. I had admired pretty Prada girls and vaguely tip-toed around the idea of asking the Girl from Mars to have a drink with me.

It was time to talk. It was go time.

I ran into everyone in the hall and somewhat forced my way into the existing conversation (I'm brilliant, they should be honored). This is a tactic I have, and I always use it. Mingle with the audience before the lights go down and the show begins. I find that it allows you to ingratiate yourself somewhat (make some funny jokes, get in their face) and lets me relax. Its interesting that the process of speaking in front of people doesn't make me nervous, but rather the idea that people think I'm nervous will mess me up - so I front up before the show and show that my name is Chet and I'm an Ivy League jock from the 60s and I don't care what anyone thinks because I've got other big stuff going on. This is hyperbole, I'm not obnoxious but I find myself giving little editorials and telling stories as a kind of warm up.

Never has a truer statement been made than 'I despair in being misunderstood'.

Whilst talking to my colleagues, one of them moved out of the way and I was suddenly and unexpectedly *gasp* standing right in front of my favourite Martian. We looked at eachother but my recollection is that we were in a dark bit of the hallway and so it was hard to see her. The funny thing is, there are no dark bits in those fluorescence drenched hallways. So I don't really know what thats about. Funny how memory is like that sometimes (all the time).

... and then there I was with everyone infront of me.

I started talking, and as is the way with these things, it flowed like rivers of warm milk and honey. I knew what I was talking about, and I knew that as long as I mentioned the correct names and dates I could make whatever outlandish claim I like and this particular tutor would be fine. So thats what I did. I linked things previously unknown to eachother, attributed whole theories the gentleman that couldn't have thought these things independently, and in the end proved conclusively that European Enlightenment could not have happened without China and Confucianism.


Afterwards I sat and snuck tiny glances at Bryn. Not obsessively mind you. Not like a maniac or anything, just furtive looks that would clarify what I thought about her and how I might eventually ask her out.

Then she got up and did a presentation about Hare Krishnas. It was a good presentation and as a bonus I was able to stare at her legitimately for about 15 minutes. Oh joyous joyous day.

Jesus I think theres something wrong with me.

I think I actually like this alien.

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